Miki & Friends 5K Walk/Run For AIR™

Celebrating How Dogs Are Good for Our Mental Health™

On the third Saturday in May, AIR™ hosts this event to focus on health – both physical and mental health – and the benefits dogs offer. At these events, we have started THE conversation about mental health and suicide prevention with more than 1,000 people. It’s always a fun and educational day, featuring performances by several local bands; demonstrations of dogs’ amazing and surprising talents; vendors of food, as well as dog- and health-related products and services; and much more.

Attitudes In Reverse lost a warrior angel. Michele Conklin was a powerhouse of love and support for Attitudes In Reverse.

As an AIR Board Member, Michele raised thousands of dollars for AIR and brought excitement and enthusiasm to the organization Michele was a "breath of fresh AIR".

The AIR Board has decided that the 2017 Miki & Friends Walk & Run in Michele's memory. If you would like to donate in her memory, please visit the attached link.

I have found that people who struggle with depression have the kindest, most empathetic souls. They care passionately about others. They feel deeply. This was Michele. She was always thinking of others first.Michele, know that we will work, with heavier hearts, in your memory to educate about mental health and suicide prevention.

Michele Conklin Miki Goober Tricia
 Michele, we love you and miss you!

Event Features

  • USATF Sanctioned 5k Run & Walk (Runners eligible for up to 500 Grand Prix Points.)
  • Dog activities and demonstrations - fun for families with or without dogs!
  • Butterfly Release
  • Concert
  • Vendors

AIR - Miki & Friends 5k Walk & Run Flyer - 05-20-2017

Volunteer Miki & Friends 5K Walk/Run For AIR™
(kindly click the image)


Download Promotional Flyer - PDF

Download Promotional Flyer - JPG

Participant Registration

Thank you for a great 2017 Miki & Friends event!

2017 - Miki Friends Vendor Flyer

Performers and Speakers

Click here for more on Gil McKinney, Jesse Ruben, Jen Jacob, and all our wonderful guests from our 2015 event.


Many thanks to this year's event sponsors!

* Szaferman, Lakind, Blumstein & Blader, P.C.

* PerformCare New Jersey

* Twin Rivers Animal Hospital

* Bee Fit with Tracy

Want your company or organization to be at our 2018 event?

Click here for our Sponsorship Package.


Commemorate Departed Loved Ones at AIR's Butterfly Tent, Release Ceremony May 19, 2018.

During AIR's Miki & Friends 5K Walk & Run Event on May 19, 2018, a butterfly tent and butterfly release ceremony will be featured to honor the memory of loved ones who were lost too soon. Attendees are invited to share photos of loved ones at the tent to add to this touching display and bond with others who have experienced similar losses. The event will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Mercer County Park, East Picnic Area.

PLEASE NOTE: AIR is not a counseling service. If you are in crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) or the NJ Hopeline at 1-855-654-6735.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255

NJ Suicide Prevention Hopeline 1-855-654-6735

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