AIR's Community of Kindness℠
Attitudes In Reverse's mission is to create a community of understanding, kindness and empathy through mental health education and awareness. Attitudes In Reverse understands that creating a community of acceptance will not happen after a 60 minute presentation. Students must be reminded throughout the year, through daily activities, that we must all be kind. Always.
Attitudes In Revere offers multiple programs for this goal. When combined, these programs remind students throughout the year that there are many people, perhaps their friends, family members or classmates who may be living each day with a mental health disorder. We must be kind always. No matter what people's differences are. We must understand that NO ONE CHOOSES to have a mental health disorder.
Donate by Mail:Attitudes In ReverseAttn: Donate to AIR Community of KindnessPO Box 3127Princeton, NJ 08543-3127