Everybody Loves Kenny Project, Inc. dba Attitudes In Reverse® is a 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Organization and qualifies for matching funds with your employer. Please use the documents below to register AIR™ with your company if not already registered and double or possibly triple your donation!
Everybody Loves Kenny Project Inc 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Letter
Everybody Loves Kenny Project Inc & Attitudes In Reverse® Certificate
Everybody Loves Kenny Project Inc & Attitudes In Reverse® NJ Sales Tax Exempt Letter
Everybody Loves Kenny Project, Inc. & Attitudes In Reverse W9 Form 10-25-2023
Please complete the reimbursement form for pre-authorized expenses incurred on behalf of AIR.Attach all receipts for review and processing.
Please attached completed W-4, W-9, I-9 & Direct Deposit Forms along with a Voided Check and ID information selected on the I-9 form
Employment Registration - Please upload the completed forms below through the Employment Registration link with the appropriate supporting documentation.