Attitudes in Reverse®


Attitudes in Reverse
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                      Attitudes In Reverse or AIR® offers a comprehensive mental health plan to educate youth, from elementary level through college-age. AIR's programs are wrapped in messages of understanding, empathy and kindness towards all. At AIR, we believe that good mental health programming makes the best anti-bullying and suicide prevention plans. Breaking down stigma allows AIR to help identify youth who are at risk. Programs are also available for parents, teachers and all school staff. Certified AIR Dogs, therapy dogs, accompany all program presenters.

Attitudes In Reverse® is partnering with The College of New Jersey's Testing and Assessment in Psychology Lab. AIR®
is grateful to the staff and students at the TAPlab who are performing an evidence-based program evaluation of AIR®'s programs. 


AIR's Success


2024 Miki Open AIR® Event

We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our sponsors, volunteers and attendees who helped make this year's

Miki & Friends OPEN AIR event a success.

I am so appreciative of the AIR grant, that is amazing!! I have forwarded your message to my principal (David Winston, and my replacement (Jackie Heftler, I am leaving my position this week, but wanted to get this confirmed for next year as I agree that your program is life-saving, and life-changing. The last time you were at LPMS I had a student who was experiencing depression. Her parents and I had tried to encourage her to participate in therapeutic counseling, but she was really resistant. After your presentation and the breakout session with our school psychologist, she came to me and shared that she thought she was ready. It really hit her when she realized that her symptoms and feelings were not simply "being sad," they were signs of depression. That same student will be a Senior next year. She still participates in counseling and has developed a love for Physics. Your program makes such a difference, I can't wait for you to reach another group of Lincoln Park students.
All the best,
Cristina, School Counselor


Coming Up for AIR® Student Presentation Program

The AIR® student presentation is mental health education geared towards students, middle school through college age. It is a peer-led multi-modal presentation: PowerPoint, video, interactive discussion. It can be 45 to 60 minutes, depending upon class length, and can be offered during Physical Education, Health, Science, Social Studies/Humanities classes. The presentation can be delivered to individual classes, as well as a full auditorium of students. It is also available and recommended for Parent-Teacher-Student Associations and parent-only audiences. Click for more information

AIR® Awareness Outreach

Attitudes In Reverse® volunteers attend many different types of events to help start conversations about good mental health. These can be college health fairs, local community events, state mental health conferences and Supernatural conventions. Since therapy dogs are involved in our non-profit, we often find ourselves at dog events, where people normally do not talk about mental health or suicide. Click for more information. The coming up for AIR Student Presentation Program has a response rate of 35% of students ask for help after the presentation.

We could not accomplish our goals without the kindness and support of our Sustaining Sponsors. Thank you!



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