AIR® Blog

West Windsor Plainsboro High School Students Form AIR Club

Two sisters created the AIR Club at West Windsor Plainsboro High School South this school year to increase mental health awareness and Attitudes In Reverse’s message for their peers. Mary Nielsen, a junior, and Elizabeth Nielsen, a senior, run the school club, which will be supporting AIR and participating in Mental Health Action Day on…


Spotlights on AIR Supporters, Recent and Upcoming Events, and AIR in the News

T-Shirt Design Artist Shalini Gossain Shalini Gossain learned about AIR during her sophomore year in high school during a Leadership and Philanthropy class. Her group chose to focus on mental health for a project because of the personal connec-tion: a friend of Shalini’s had died by suicide, which led to her interest in learning more…


Remembering Emily Murillo: From a Sibling’s Point of View

Kaylee, an AIR® team member, shares with us a powerful point of view from a sibling’s perspective in remembering her sister, Emily, whom we lost too soon. On January 29, 2021, my little sister Emily Murillo chose to end her life. In her short 17 years here, she suffered a lot, from dealing with ruthless bullies…


Partners Bring Hope to Many More Youth with a Spanish Version of an AIR Program

PRINCETON, NJ, September 12, 2024 –  The loss of loved ones due to mental health disorders propels individuals into action to help prevent others from experiencing similar tragedies. AIR is certainly a powerful example of this – not only in its purpose overall, but also through the ongoing development of programs to educate and help…


January is National Train Your Dog Month

Importance of Training your Dog By Katelyn Baker, AIR® Co-Founder January is National Train Your Dog Month. As we close out the month, Katelyn Baker shares some thoughts on the importance of training, and building a relationship with your dog. Consistent, positive training from the start will significantly benefit you and your dog…and will start you on a path to having a future therapy dog! Most…
